1YRSDandong Mengyuan International Trade Co., Ltd.


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Thông Tin cơ bản
Our advantages mainly include resource advantages, market experience, flexible order processing, risk management , logistics coordination and so on.Resource advantage: Our company has a wide range of customer resources and supplier network, can provide a variety of product choices. We have established long-term relationships with suppliers and customers around the world and are able to provide one-stop sourcing services from raw materials to finished products to meet the diverse needs of our customers.Market experience: Our company usually has many years of market operation experience, has in-depth market research ability, has a deep understanding of the market of various countries and regions, and can timely grasp the market demand and trend. This information advantage can help foreign trade customers better grasp business opportunities, provide more professional market analysis and product positioning.Flexible order processing: Compared to the factory, we are more flexible in order processing, able to accept small orders and even provide solutions for customized needs. This helps to meet the individual needs of customers and improve customer satisfaction.Risk Management: We are good at dealing with risks and uncertainties in international trade, such as currency fluctuations, tariff barriers, etc. We can provide risk management services to help foreign trade customers reduce supply chain risk. With our sourcing, customers can spread their risk across multiple suppliers, reducing the risk of a problem at a single plant affecting the entire supply chain.Logistics coordination: Our company has rich logistics resources, can provide a full range of logistics services, including warehousing, transportation, customs clearance and so on. This helps foreign trade customers reduce logistics costs and improve supply chain efficiency.Our advantage lies in its rich resource network, profound market experience, flexible order processing ability, risk management ability and logistics coordination ability, which together provide foreign trade customers with one-stop, efficient and low-risk procurement solutions.
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Loại hình kinh doanh
Công ty Thương mại
Quốc gia / Khu vực
Liaoning, China
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